The starting point for your financial destination
While our name “First Bank” may be relatively new, our roots and heritage run deep in the communities of Sterling and Rice County. Originally known as Farmers State Bank, Rice County on March 24, 1908 with Frank W. Ross acting as president at the time.
The bank was incorporated in 1907 by an enterprising group of community professionals which included business owners, farmers and stock men. Each of these individuals sold 500 shares at $100 per share to various investors in the community.
As the years went by the bank continued to grow with the help of six other men. Each of these men played an important role in shaping the bank’s destiny by serving their time as president. A list of these men includes, J.D. Zimmerman, Floyd W. Ross, George T. Chandler, Anderson W. Chandler, Jerome L. Chandler and currently Jeff Laudermilk.
In 1993, a series of exciting changes began for the Farmers State Bank:
First National Bank in Sterling, Kansas was acquired.
Carl Dudrey became the Chairman of the Board.
Coronado Bank in Lyons, Kansas, as well as Bank Chase in Chase, Kansas were purchased.
From our humble beginnings up to the present, the goal of First Bank has remained constant – protect our depositor’s funds and assist our communities to grow and prosper. We know that our customers are our most important asset. It is because of them that we have grown through our long history to be one of the largest and strongest banks in the area.
If you would like more information about First Bank or any of our products and/or services, please contact us today.